This project demonstrates our retaining wall, lake edge, urban channel, and stormwater quality BMP design capabilities. Intuition & Logic was the project civil engineer teamed with Planning Design Studio Landscape Architects for renovations to Kirkwood Park and to update the Kirkwood Park’s Comprehensive Master Plan. I&L prepared final design and construction documents for renovations including a permeable paver parking lot, multiple bio-retention cells, proprietary prefabricated bioretention forms, hydro-dynamic separator and more. Walker Lake design components included pond grading below normal pool to include fish habitat and vegetated wetland shelves, aquatic benches spawning habitat, lake edge treatments to allow fishing access, shoreline protection from wave action, a natural stone channel and a waterfall with re-circulating flow and more.



I&L also prepared a comprehensive water quality plan with respect to local water quality standards compliance so that all current and future planned park improvements were consolidated into one permit and covered by the water quality improvements designed into Walker Lake and surrounding park amenities. I&L provided construction services through each phase of construction beginning in 2010 and continuing to 2015.



In July 2015, the Comprehensive Master Plan, covering all of the constructed phases, was presented at the Shaw Nature Reserve annual training workshop for architects, engineers, biologists, contractors and other professionals.  Tim Dean served as one of the three presenters and discussion panelists for the event.